Wheel of Faith

Wheel of Faith, originally uploaded by jeelchristine.

There is only one thing that keeps me going and its faith.

When I was on top of the world, I thought about how I feared life and most of the things in life. II wanted to retreat to safer grounds where no one is capable of harming the little girl in me. But things have changed. I have changed and I am happy with the changes in me.

I was as resistant to change just as people in the Philippines are. The fact that they fear PGMA's Constitutional Assembly only mean how they fear change. And how much little faith do they have with PGMA and the government.

As for me I want change! I want to take the risk. It is not to break society's homeostasis, but to make the country a better place--free from corruption and violence.

Things every Filipino citizen should consider.
Parliamentary Vs. Presidential system

Window of the soul

window of the soul, originally uploaded by jeelchristine.

Plato, my favorite among the many philosophers and psychologists in the history of the life sciences, believed that the soul when still disembodied and separate from the mortal decomposing flesh has all the virtues and knowledge in the world. This disembodied soul is all knowing, and is perfect. However when the soul united with the flesh, it has forgotten all its innate virtues. It is only through the process of recollection can the soul ever acquire its perfection and previous knowledge. Therefore, learning occurs.

emotive portrait

emotive portrait, originally uploaded by jeelchristine.

It’s supposed to be an emotive portrait of me. If you notice there are black smudge on my left eye. It’s actually make up. I intentionally smeared my make up to make it look like someone punched me on the left eye, though I am not so convinced with this. My face is just blank.

The Order of the Phoenix

Photo taken few years back in one of our senior facilitator meetings at Kiosk.

Description: This chronologically-based collage first came in as a glimpse of the senior facilitators of the 15th circle (year 2007). This was displayed at the FC Communique Board near the USC-Main room 224 as part of the recruitment process so that the future RBs could know whom to approach for further information & inquiries. The twist? Behind every picture of us, sfs then, had uniquely customized 'pet names' that described each one of us in our circle-C15. By; ZION

I miss you guys..

Will I ever stop? I asked my self

I have asked this question billion times already and yes I am not giving up yet. What is wrong with my blogger desk?? I have been experiencing the same thing over and over again. Can anyone please help me. Will making a new blogger account solve the problem?? Should I try Python if it is the only way? Okay now that is the dumbest question ever. Obviously its not the end of the world, and Python is my last option.

07-08-09 9:05 Tweet

Am I in love or what? or am I just at the height of my emotional arousal to even ask this kind of stupid question?

Talk about heightened emotion, last monday night I was so bombarded with noise and stress. My students were the noisiest. While I look at them, listen to them, I felt that they haven't reached maturity. I know its very wrong to look at them that way, but I lost my patience, and I cannot contain my emotions anymore. So I gave them my piece. I told them how they are similar to elementary students, or worse than elementary students who cannot even shut their mouth up. I was really pissed that I lost my composure. After the class, they asked for a group picture which I denied, and instead told them "kamu lang, wala ko sa mood." I hate turning them down like that, but I was already at the height of my emotions and I was on the edge of hardly containing them.

I so wanna apologize with what I did. I'm sure they understand, because I can see it from their faces. Hai naku, I just wanna forget about it.

I know I have been very busy lately I that all I wanna do is have a time for my self to reflect about me and the things I did, enjoy a moment with my self, and be vain for a while. So here is another justification of my vanity, and my crazy-creativeness. LOL

uhhh uhm..which reminds me of my narcissistic nature..Oh Freud what have you done!?

three little birdies

Two of them keeps on picking each others beaks like they were kissing. while the other one has no partner, he remains silent and just playing, flying and doing weird stuffs, just like a single person does--talk about me, I'm proud I'm single because single is sexy. lol

Meet Mr. Joker

He is the joker. I call him Mr. Joker, batman's nemesis. He is Micheal's. He is the guardian of Micheal's and my table (since we share one table) inside the faculty room when we are away. Mr. Joker knows what I am doing, what I am studying and my teaching-related activities. So thank you Mr. Joker for keeping our things safe.

It starts with E

It starts with E,


I feel the pressure people!!!--the pressure in my line of work. A teacher that I am must learn to be flexible. I am not sporty but I have to learn about sports especially that the Intramurals is only a few weeks from now, and I am the fuckin coach.

I must be innovative enough especially that I have classes with no permanent classrooms yet so we have to transfer from one classroom to another just to finish what needs to be done.

I love my students that I will not sacrifice them for anything else. Being an educator is the real challenge for me. Indeed I feel the pressure but I am loving it the way I am loving my students.

Oh yeah, this just give me an idea about taking pictures for tomorrow's badminton tryout. cool! :)