- 01:43:35: now #watching Black Snake Moan (2007) #movie i love you Christina Ricci!! :)
- 01:57:29: now #watching Black Snake Moan (2007) i♥u Christina Ricci!! ♥ #movie
- 02:03:12: RT @philo_quotes: The logic of the world is prior to all truth and falsehood. ~ Wittgenstein http://bit.ly/philq
- 03:40:30: dude! i love this movie..
- 03:43:07: is watching "Black Snake Moan" i love this movie..if a pastor asks me where my heaven is, i would say his name.
- 04:25:29: hope and love for the wounded.
- 04:34:29: now #watching "Bully" (2001) #movie http://goo.gl/uD0zX
- 06:42:58: now #watching "Prozac Nation" (2001) #movie #ChristinaRicci http://goo.gl/5ufFo
- 10:38:38: sometimes i wake up one morning fucked up and then everything's okay. next time i'm fucked up again. it's an effin cycle. no one understands
- 10:43:50: some people cut themselves, put a bandage on and continue living. i bleed and continue bleeding and living. hmpf!
- 11:05:24: i can so relate...
- 12:38:22: chatting with a psychic...LOLZ
- 22:24:54: finished all the movies,...im waiting for new downloads...
- 23:37:49: #watching "Original Sin" (2001) #AngelinaJolie #AntonioBanderas #movie #drama #romance http://goo.gl/lfu2x
- 23:41:21: @OMGitsXtine yeah...super hot! :)
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