- 02:26:22: my first "sewn" clothing....pakpak mga madlak people...congrats to me... pwede nako mag business og boutique... pu http://twitpic.com/3ngwo6
- 02:31:31: #book now added to my shelf... Shadow of Dionysus: Contribution to the Sociology of the Orgy #sexuality #sociology http://twitpic.com/3ngxm1
- 02:36:57: this bird at its chickhood --> http://twitpic.com/1slqgx <-- now all grown-up just died earlier in the morning. :(
- 03:15:23: akong labidudabs ga klasi na...wa nakoi ka chat sa fb...hmmmmm
- 04:36:02: finished constructing my exam....yes!
- 04:37:24: waiting for my downloads......
- 04:43:57: #watching "The Haunted Mansion" (2003) on Disney Channel #movie http://goo.gl/xt0ze
- 20:52:49: suddenly found my self reading a book on anatomy...haha and im serious, i wanna read more..
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