- 01:38:48: just be still...and everything will fall right into place.
- 01:43:45: #listening to The Vampire Diaries: Original Television Soundtrack http://goo.gl/1pAFY #MusicMonday
- 02:11:44: 9k tweets. congrats to me. yey!
- 02:15:28: gimingaw nakog industrial music....
- 02:57:54: bye bye babies...ispfmtyily..
- 03:27:42: #watching "Day Watch" (2006) http://goo.gl/5ofVc sequel to "Night Watch" (2005) #movie
- 06:23:26: reading about fallen angels and demons in the hopes of getting the names of the fallen..
- 06:24:11: too bad different cultures and religion name them differently..
- 06:24:34: i could use the names for a fiction i am planning to write..
- 06:25:50: i could use some references...any suggetions tweeps?
- 06:28:04: enlighten me on this. ispfmtyily
- 17:12:46: typing for student handouts...
- 23:52:47: labad akong ulo doh!!
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