- 07:07:41: so what if kelley armstrong got the new york times bestselling author title 4 the #book The Summoning, i'm still gi... http://twtw.co/mtHrL9
- 07:11:42: honestly, im not sure if i liked it. #book 2 is good, i might give it 4 stars. anyway, finished reading The Awakeni... http://twtw.co/jgliou
- 07:13:26: now #reading The Reckoning, #book 3 of Darkest Powers #fiction #teen #paranormal
- 07:37:03: Finished with The Summoning, by Kelley Armstrong http://goodreads.com/user_status/show/6185075
- 07:39:46: 2 of 5 stars to The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/155912374
- 07:41:36: 3 of 5 stars to The Awakening by Kelley Armstrong http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/155912378
- 07:46:17: i have a new bird... asleep.. will take her pictures tomorrow...
- 07:49:24: Likes the quote: "I wish I could freeze this moment, right here, right now and live in it fo... http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/show/198937
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