- 00:32:51: im currently checking the dyno heavy metal band from Finland, Hevisaurus. i find them cute than heavy. http://ow.ly/1O0s5 http://ow.ly/1O0sN
- 02:31:55: gikapoi nako mga dudes! i want to go somewhere quiet and worry-free paradise.
- 02:32:14: RT @LifeIsASchool I talk to everyone. All the time. The question is not to whom do I talk, but who listens?
- 02:39:58: im bored, tired, sleepy, and a bit nostalgic.
- 02:42:36: if only i can make all people disappear, i will just to be alone with you. *char lang.. but seriously i want you alone even just for a day.
- 03:10:22: hahaha. sometimes its like that, but not all the time. RT @owrange What is loneliness? It is life without internet. #fb
- 03:12:37: i could get a short nap while waiting for seven, so later tweeps..
- 09:30:44: what should i do to kill those words for you?
- 09:40:46: it pains me to hear the words again. but i deserve it anyway.
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