- 01:21:18: hai salamat, na process najud akong request.. *sigh
- 01:24:06: i'm supposed to pick up two of my dresses my niece borrowed, but laziness is consuming me now. shesh!
- 01:55:56: facebook is for networking and so on, but i don't intend to met any of those fb users i do not know.
- 02:00:46: she used to be my baby.....yeah! she was a gift from my father on my 16th birthday.. http://twitpic.com/1r6j18
- 05:22:09: spag, fries and watermelon for dinner... :)
- 07:58:09: ang cute cute ng mga babies ko... love ko so much..
- 08:37:38: RT @EmergentCulture: Fascinating video of Solar Activity http://bit.ly/aShCH1
- 09:03:44: reyna ala vongga! lol http://twitpic.com/1r9zyt
- 09:13:53: i enjoyed editing my pictures..hahaha
- 09:41:32: off to bed!
- 15:53:40: food, alcohol, cigar...enjoy life to the fullest. http://twitpic.com/1rd4cf
- 15:56:04: lady lawgaw...jejejeje http://twitpic.com/1rd4y8
- 15:57:47: wow! i slept for five hours and i don't feel sleepy at all. cool. it must have been a really good sleep.
- 16:03:19: Dark is my middle name.. char lang :p http://twitpic.com/1rd6wn
- 16:11:22: woah!!! my sheilala girl kicks ass..
- 16:52:21: my twin nephews, john paulo and john lloyd. http://twitpic.com/1rdjh2
- 17:32:19: my cool bird..yay! hehe http://twitpic.com/1rdtzn
- 17:33:53: edited.. pao2x and yoyoy :) http://twitpic.com/1rdoth
- 17:51:03: my cousin Niño...and food..uhmm yumyum! http://twitpic.com/1rdz2l
- 22:31:14: kamingaw sa kaudtuhon... o kamingaw gayud nganhi sa akong barong barong. hinaot unta dunggon ang akong pag ampo nga mag snow.. *sigh
- 22:32:10: kainit og kaalimuot sa imung dagway inday..
- 22:36:07: changed my twitter profile color to white.. now that looks better, than peach.. mas bugnaw karon tan-awn..
- 22:40:39: kalimpyo na sa akong panan-aw. unya taud2 manlimpyo napud ko nganhi sa balai kai murag di nako ka agwanta...
- 22:40:55: my niece, my nephew and i.. http://twitpic.com/1rg3kl
- 22:56:49: morning blues... http://twitpic.com/1rg6w8
- 22:58:42: @theJoannaBieber do you make them? is that your family business?
- 23:00:51: the wait is over. tapos na downloads ko LOST season 5..
- 23:31:45: wow! time travel. this is so cool.. #LOSTS05
- 23:52:55: whatever happen, happened.. right!
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