- 03:55:04: im wearing the necklace boyfriend gave me ... http://twitpic.com/2qkbyc
- 04:05:56: preparing for tomorrow's observation. you got it right! my chairman is going to observe my class. funny things is, i'll have a film showing.
- 04:26:16: boyfriend's pet...hahahaha http://twitpic.com/2qkjer
- 04:44:59: cleaning my desktop....
- 06:29:34: making a child client's psychological evaluation.. #itsteatime
- 19:56:59: we are all separate individuals. we can never be one.
- 19:58:53: i tried to be happy, but its not working. i'm not giving up just yet...i will try harder as long as kaya ko pa.
- 22:11:49: but we can be one with the universe.
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