- 05:31:31: pops is leaving on the morrow....
- 05:43:25: sana may celebration bukas....hmmmmmm im looking forward to that celebration
- 05:44:02: RT @OMGitsXtine: A positive attitude may not solve all of your problems but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
- 06:39:27: auxiliary verbs.....hahaha
- 07:01:28: psycho's on forbes...or not,,hahaha http://twitpic.com/2sikkp
- 07:06:16: the joker has my pic.....tsk! http://twitpic.com/2sim0v
- 07:18:36: will be attending the AAHP general assembly on the 30th of september... i miss this and the people too...
- 17:58:22: disappointed with a few students in one of my classes....
- 18:01:57: RT @DharmaTalks: The Universe/Light knows it’s difficult to be human. ~ #LOVE #Consciousness
- 18:04:36: papers.....papers to check......
- 23:51:01: og naginusara ko dri sa sm..
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