- 01:44:40: will treat you the way you want me to...
- 07:44:20: Dec 1 is World AIDS Day @joinred fact: 430,000 babies born with HIV last yr. By 2015 that could be 0. #turnred http://f.joinred.com/qwx
- 08:19:46: watching The Lazarus Effect http://goo.gl/TjgO #RED #HBO #documentaryFilm #AIDS
- 08:22:03: AIDS free generation is due in 2015. http://twitpic.com/3bx91u
- 08:34:11: time for bed! will have to explain to my students why i was absent on the morrow..i was sick..
- 19:56:55: xmas party tomorrow.. not sure if im going.. should i go?
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