- 06:36:49: eating roasted chicken...yumyum
- 08:44:58: It starts now. http://y.ahoo.it/Pc8Hc4ow
- 08:48:03: the universe is on my side. all the things i say manifest. when i say yes, it is a yes.
- 08:49:06: i shall have more than two people to join me tomorrow.
- 08:51:35: hlmsm.tinbm.hlom.hwtmmajm.iahow.iah.himama.hslnbmama.istbiac.atism.ISPFMTYILY.
- 08:53:24: it is 12 mid night. it is time to sleep.
- 19:07:11: somehow i felt the pain than the pleasure of it.. *sigh
- 21:18:31: off to meet maui...will buy me candies too..
- 23:07:51: here @ salus pharma...meeting with AON..
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