- 01:18:10: its a new day. it's time..
- 02:23:48: data entry task...
- 02:23:49: RT @philo_quotes: I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know. ~ Cicero http://bit.ly/philq
- 02:23:57: RT @duygusu: Thoughts rearrange your life. #acim #reality #life #thought
- 05:57:56: sleep, my only sweet escape
should You allow me this gift forever
in this sweet and merciful bosom
like wings of... http://fb.me/VsTXynY3 - 21:41:18: Beastly (2011) http://goo.gl/GBTO6 with Vanessa Hudgens and Alex Perryfer #movie
- 21:48:38: i'm looking forward to watching this #movie with someone special. haha http://goo.gl/qcL4 "Beastly" (2011)
- 22:05:56: okay off to the CAS office meeting with our chairperson...
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