- 01:32:12: Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development measures for #research and others http://goo.gl/L8zJ8
- 01:36:17: interview protocols and questionnaires for early dhild care and youth development for #research http://fb.me/wdnRJ3Zz
- 09:03:48: I'm #reading Love and Addiction by Stanton Peele http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/157246841
- 09:11:00: Stanton Peele's Addiction Website http://fb.me/StRFYthv
- 10:26:32: failed to finish my paper...will resume in the morning...so tired na,
- 16:36:11: good m0rning world.. such a beautiful day.
- 19:00:13: uploading grades ...
- 19:24:05: where have you been dear @alexsuicide? i miss u, i think u should know. its been boring without u and @ameliastrange.. :(
- 19:30:34: missing my friends in crime alex, amelia, jj, mae and lorina.. i feel nostalgic all suddenly... :(
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