- 00:46:25: yey! my internet's officially back. :)
- 00:52:53: @owrange aw..i see, hehe thanks :)
- 00:52:59: RT @tweetitow: @jeelchristine @tweetitow: Update: New Globe/TM Gateways 0905-3042534 & 0927-404-1751: PLS RT http://wp.me/pEUFc-87
- 00:55:44: im glad i gave globe a chance. they changed my old ethernet modem to a better one (i hope!)
- 00:59:34: RT @psych101: Aug 3, The All About Psychology Guestbook http://goo.gl/fb/yYgAV
- 01:31:04: @_stoptheworld i don't know...
- 03:36:49: making moments with my boyfriend...
- 03:37:17: listening to marie digby's breathing underwater #album
- 06:08:08: i need to finish the book...i know i want to, but im too busy....maybe i should make time....
- 23:14:03: tambay2 npd q ani while waiting for my class..
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