- 00:23:04: bought a book on learning, on oral sadism and vergetarian personality, and a c.g.jung book
- 00:25:09: sociology of orgy sounds like a good book to me. what do you think? should i buy it or should i not? #fb
- 02:55:40: in the church with my mum for the first time in long months...
- 04:40:40: now i know why he loves his motorcycle very much...
- 05:13:12: hehe...cool RT @owrange: i mean gaming daycare center for the neighborhood kids =) http://bit.ly/d7OVvy
- 05:22:12: @_stoptheworld booksale :)
- 05:34:17: @mariejel hahaha...make changes in your account setting on fb
- 05:37:47: a priced possession.. :) http://twitpic.com/2gswe4
- 05:43:49: @_stoptheworld i wish i have all his books, and especially the Red Book...
- 05:46:18: okay! back to work.... i need to finish three sets of teacher-made tests tonight.
- 06:09:26: i am gonna buy this book tomorrow. this book is mine!! http://goo.gl/QJtz
- 06:45:56: sad RT @heidiko44: Every 20 sec a child dies of a water-related disease ~ Alex Hoffman http://ow.ly/2sOcW
- 08:20:02: one down, two more tests to go...
- 08:27:03: im already tired. sleep nako. i still have a review session in the morning. tsk!
- 21:22:57: im saying goodbye to my two beautiful yellow birds. from now on they will be taken cared of by someone else. bye bye babies.. huhu
- 22:41:15: transporting my two little strong and healthy birds to their new owner..
- 22:49:35: RT @heidiko44: Like > R @icpchad: The difference between fact and fiction is relative to the observer's point of view.
- 22:57:33: currently working on industrial psychology midterm examination...
- 23:26:47: A Chronology of Organization Theory http://goo.gl/G4Dk
- 23:29:53: recommended readings for organizational behavior, structure, leadership and so on and so forth... http://goo.gl/pXLo #articles
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