- 00:16:21: gakamang sad ang mga tao, which require my patience, otherwise all my efforts are just nothing..
- 15:54:50: im using lightscibe for the first time..its sooooo cool.. :)
- 15:55:21: sounds like a nice film.. RT @UziEmperado: Watching the 80's animated film Heavy Metal.. It's.. It's.. I don't know what it is hahaha...
- 16:05:14: http://twitpic.com/1aig1m - #lightscribe technology rocks!!
- 16:09:28: http://twitpic.com/1aigxm - piktur piktur with my nieces Angel and Jaja..
- 16:11:11: http://twitpic.com/1aih9h - the metal freaks! :p
- 16:15:05: http://twitpic.com/1aii2i - it was just like yesterday when Six got out from her mother's nest, and now, she's having her own..
- 16:17:58: @UziEmperado didn't know..haha
- 16:26:13: http://twitpic.com/1aikdy - my first successful #lightscribe print :)
- 19:24:40: RT @wilsdomain Gawker: Shameless Obama Reading 'Pickles' in Oval Office [Cartoon Violence] http://bit.ly/badeOE #news
- 19:25:31: @wilsdomain tama naman tagalog mo ah.. btw, what is your nationality? and why do you wanna learn tagalog?
- 19:26:22: RT @SOULSHAPING If we choose to participate in our unfolding, we slowly become our own beacon of light. Jeff Brown
- 19:28:19: RT @GaianCollective We Stand on the Cusp of Humanity's Most Auspicious Moment http://bit.ly/cIuymm GREAT READ! #practicalinspiration
- 19:32:33: @gypsycalling i love it. your works are a good read. don't worry when i have time, i will read the rest of your writings :)
- 20:47:38: @omg_its_xtine hehe, na amaze q. nkabati lng kai its only capable of grayscale print
- 20:48:45: @gypsycalling sure. :)
- 21:08:22: hehe :) RT @owrange: Squishyyy baby girl
- 21:09:49: on my way to the university and later to DFA with my mum to get our passport..
- 21:12:15: people will believe anything they want to believe even if its a lie.
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