- 01:32:48: people just wouldn't stop projecting their selves to other people,
- 01:33:18: and stop projecting your self to mine. don't act as if you know what's on my mind because you know nothing about me.
- 02:00:38: doing my mum a favor by going to church.. today.. traditions.. a drag..
- 02:30:13: sick of the words..
- 09:02:27: watching The Secrets of the Dinasour Mummy on discovery channel..
- 09:51:02: leonardo is an amazing creature.. #dinosaur
- 09:55:20: wow! I wanna watch The Colony #DC
- 10:03:26: watching Four-Winged Dinosaur #DC
- 11:15:43: Six is now with eggs and a baby.. :)
- 16:20:25: RT: @heidiko44: Transformation is Integration #cgjung
- 16:20:38: RT: @heidiko44: Only the superior intellect can think in paradoxes. #cgjung
- 16:21:51: was hoping i could watch movies online, but the internet server's really slow...as usual
- 16:22:21: RT: @AccessRiches: Others can stop you temporarily - you are the only one who can do it permanently - Zig Ziglar #success
- 19:13:27: I'm about to read The Law of Nines by Terry Goodkind, or probably i would crawl back to bed, and begin reading when i wake up.
- 20:11:44: i want to lose my self in simplicity of primeval solitude..
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