This blog was originally named The Aspirants in the idea of having more than one authors, but due to unforeseen circumstances, every author who planned this blog have been so busy with their careers and did not claim commitment to this blog. So, as the only author, I continued writing in the hopes of expressing what I know, and in attracting readers. Henceforth, The Aspirant Online refers to the only author, yours truly.
What to Expect?
The Aspirant is a blog for aspiring authors, and aspiring individual to pursuing their careers, as I am aspiring to my very own career in life. I am an aspiring Clinical Psychologist, and a full time Professor.
Written on this blog are psychologies of everyday life, including my own philosophies and understanding of life, of values, of spiritual growth and anything Psychology and Philosophy that interest me.
Aspiring for more Authors
This blog is basically new, as I being the author doesn't mean I am limiting knowledge to my self without understanding from others. This blog is open for more authors and aspirants, especially for those who are passionate in writing without compensation since The Aspirant couldn't afford payment yet.
If you are interested, please contact me.
- 00:27:34: officially back to being josenian again. i had my interview with the psyc chairperson. he's amazing.
- 01:28:01: @UziEmperado master of arts in social psychology.. :)
- 02:17:23: There is nothing constant in this world but change.
- 03:46:17: sleepy ko...will take a nap...
- 07:05:30: watching LOST season 5 #tvseries
- 08:31:10: i haven't felt this since three years ago. wow! what a shock this has been.
- 09:27:04: poor john #LOSTS05
- 20:24:30: maayong buntag mga higala. :)
- 20:25:43: im so happy Capt.Briz gave me another blue bird. weeee... :)
- 21:03:19: Carl Gustav Jung - Man and His Symbols (Downloadable Audio Book)
- 21:04:14: Theory of Everything: Decoded
- 21:05:34: Sounds like Jean-Paul Sartre's "I am becoming." (Visualization Video)
- 21:06:13: Man as the Origin of Evil _ Carl Jung
- 21:09:51: The Secret Uncovered: The Law of Attraction, which states that we are attracting more of what we think. We make our...
- 21:10:56: Optimism as the Key: It is not Extra Sensory Perception but the Law of Attraction.
- 21:15:27: "The Secret" Curiosity: If you want to watch the full movie, contact me...
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