"recovery centers call it a slip. teenagers call it breaking rules. i call it carpe diem. hallelujah!"-Jeel Christine
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- 00:11:08: finally met my devcom class.. mga banggi.itan.. vegga ra.
- 02:55:31: Human beings have crossed the barrier between life and its mysteries. Mysteries in the universe, man has... http://fb.me/A1Snf5Aw
- 03:35:21: what a day! *sigh
- 05:04:55: data entry task....
- 14:46:50: libog utok ani akong inahan oi.. cge pjud pangluod, labad sa ulo oi..
- 20:11:26: finished checking all the papers.. yey! wa nako class for today. yey!
- 21:48:38: @owrange hala thanks sa credits. :)
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