Me on Line Art by my student Marvic Segovia.
- 00:48:06: RT @Pullmyfingers: "Government is too big and too important to be left to the politicians." *
- 03:22:00: i miss him so much. huhuhu
- 06:39:20: i had a disagreement with my mum. i don't like the way she judges people she doesn't even know.
- 06:57:54: i don't need to prove anything to anyone. i already stopped caring about what other people say. to hell with them!
- 07:00:52: now reading chapter 3. women men marry...who's the bride-to-be and who's not.
- 07:46:59: "No woman should ever work at a job where she does not meet and make friends with men and women of her own age." - John Molloy
- 08:44:12: if you want to be successful, stop holding on to your unrealistic goal and start making realistic ones.
- 08:49:20: sometimes unrealistic goals and unrealistic expectations are imposed on someone by another/others.
- 08:52:58: i do not want to live up to people's expectations of me nor do i want people to live up to my expections of them.
- 08:54:26: mao ng dili jud ko magpadala anang mga unrealistic goals and expectations my parents are imposing on me. period.
- 09:06:11: The greatest love and the greatest aphrodisiac of all is to love yourself. :)
- 09:09:25: i am the center of my universe and i do not measure my self by the standards of others.
- 19:28:52: my strong and healthy baby is left alone at home..wawa naman. uwi ako agad after i finish my business here at the university.
- 19:52:01: RT @SocraticShlomo I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. - Dalai Lama
- 20:38:59: @heyitsblair birds. hehe
- 21:23:27: 4 of 5 stars to Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others by John T. Molloy
- 21:57:09: Why Men Marry Some Women And Not Others... book wiki and results outline
- 23:26:26: akong baby kai nigawas na sa litterbox., niambak og nalakawlakaw sa floor..haha mayo gani wala mapiang og wala matamakan. survivor jud..
- 23:31:43: waiting for my documents.. phew!
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