- 03:19:28: i love discussing psychology very much. :)
- 03:21:23: it sucks that we can't express affection in the workplace. faetz!
- 03:30:51: i'm moving on.
- 03:52:53: yay! im about to make my genogram.
- 04:37:55: When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad, I'm even better. -Kim Cattrall
- 07:30:52: wa jud klaro akong genogram.. haha
- 07:35:47: things are way complicated than i thought.. tsk!
- 17:47:28: will not allow unpleasant circumstance ruin my day..no, no!
- 19:47:40: reality check from bro. gerry. fuck!
- 23:48:00: thanks to sir gerry for making me realize things, and thanks to my bro for always reminding me not to expect anything from anyone.
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