From Twitter 12-08-2009 - The Secret Uncovered

Overall vibrational resonance/vibrations/vibes--whatever you want to call it--is influenced or shaped by our environment. Humanistic Psychology says that we are a result of our environment.

Growing up in a Catholic family, all beliefs are being passed on to me by my parents. Hell, for instance is the only alternative for the sinners, while heaven are for those who are good. The fear of damnation may consume me (or has consumed me), and the more I fear, the more I am actually attracting fear and even negative energies associated with it.

The Law of Attraction, which states that we are attracting more of what we think. We make our own destiny via thoughts we have. If a person is pessimistic by nature (which according to Bob Boyle is not a his/her fault, rather to the environment where he/she is shaped), pessimism and other energies linked to it such as despair, temper, hopelessness and others will be pulled in to the person. Optimistic thinking, on the other hand will attract good things.

The Law of Attraction as the greatest secret is not just for personality development but is beyond psychology, personality, paranormal, transpersonal or philosophy. May it be Quantum Physics or Metaphysical, the law of Attraction is more than everything that we know. It transcends beyond knowledge written on books. It's more of a cosmic/universal idea. I call it cosmic ability, and everyone of us can learn it with full understanding, proper practice and mastery.

To be honest with you, I only know little about it, but I am positive about reading the book. If the time element in this cosmic ability is deactivated, I would definitely have the book now in just a snap of my finger or in just a wrinkle of time. If you don't understand what I am talking, watch the first 20 minutes of the movie and then decide whether you believe it or not.

  • 00:15:04: had a chat with one of my students..haha nalinagaw ko.
  • 02:27:40: RT @Pullmyfingers: If we were not all so interested in ourselves, life would be so uninteresting that none of us would be able to endure it.
  • 02:28:41: RT @ScienceSoWhat: Dinosaur-killing impact set Earth to broil, not burn
  • 05:40:33: bored. bored. bored.
  • 06:05:20: listening to random podcasts from random people.
  • 06:12:54: RT @wilsdomain: The more we live by our intellect, the less we understand the meaning of life. -Leo Tolstoy #quote
  • 06:31:25: @joannaxtar you made the necklaces?
  • 08:02:20: Me Want! [photo]
  • 08:02:22: Listening to Epica "Cry For The Moon" [video]
  • 08:24:24: RT @EnvironUpdates: ENS: World's Largest Climate Conference Opens With Hope Full
  • 14:41:35: forgiveness is not for sale. its not for free either.
  • 14:52:21: world's kinda foggy.. good morning tweeps, tweeple and tweeters.
  • 15:30:53: wow. now i see on the field what remains from the fireworks display last night. students must have had some fun.
  • 16:52:07: "It had died a martyr to its illusions." - Dr. Jose Rizal
  • 16:53:50: "The bird which soars to freer space above." - Dr. Jose Rizal
  • 19:28:08: pity my phone.. i accidentally broke the case with my clumsiness. :o
  • 21:49:40: mingawa sa payag..
  • 22:56:20: "You can't go on hiding yourself behind old fashioned fairytales and keep washing your hands in innocence." -EPICA (cry for the moon)

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