From Twitter 12-23-2009 - The Mind, the Culprit

Link: The Mind, the Culprit


The mind is very powerful. It is the culprit behind why we act the way we do. The mind is the most powerful entity in the universe that it can move mountains, make the rain fall. It is so powerful that it is somehow connected with another entity greater than us, not necessarily a god but the universe it self. The mind, as a great entity, a king must protect his kingdom--the ego, hence, it uses defense mechanisms to avoid anxiety.  From my understanding, and based on my experience I have concluded the direct connection between the universe and the mind. Hence, the mind, at its might might is a tool for dominion, and control, and a culprit for all mental disoreders and dysfunctions.

  • 01:16:58: food and more food..
  • 05:18:37: reading M. Scott Peck's 'The Road Less Traveled' section 1: Discipline
  • 06:00:55: when we love something, we take care of it and we spend time with it, the way i spend time with my birds and my cat who died years ago.
  • 06:25:16: "Yet it is in this whole process of meeting and solving problems that life has its meaning." M.Scott Peck
  • 06:26:23: "Those things that hurt, instruct." -Benjamin Franklin
  • 07:03:55: "We cannot solve life's problems except by solving them." -M. Scott Peck
  • 08:12:34: "If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem." -Eldridge Cleaver. haha funny but true..
  • 08:52:12: sometimes people hide behind righteousnes to cover up their sins/ failures/ mistakes in the hopes of compensation and forgiveness.
  • 08:57:50: tired. off to deep sleep dreaming..
  • 20:14:41: yey! mum paid for the books.. :)
  • 20:16:39: too bad i wasn't able to scrutinize all the books. mum's on a hurry.
  • 22:30:59: ate lunch with my relatives..
  • 22:35:37: "It is the parents themselves who visit their sins upon their children." -M. Scott Peck

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