On December 27, 2009 two days after Christmas, baby Sophia Kaye Cimafranca became a Catholic and a child of God, which means that she has now the ticket to heaven, and she has been cleansed from original sin. Though I do not have an exclusive religion, I respect Catholicism and their sacraments as I too was baptised in the Catholic faith.
- 02:33:07: RT @FNietzschean: 1. Idleness is the beginning of psychology. What could psychology be---a vice?
- 04:05:41: off to eat dinner elsewhere with mum..
- 08:38:58: Photo: (via fuckyeahfemmes) #femme #female #tattoo #books http://tumblr.com/xun51b5rx
- 08:39:31: Photo: girlsmoke: #girl #female #femme #woman #cigar #smoke http://tumblr.com/xun51b67l
- 08:39:54: Photo: coupdegrace: #cat #animal #red cute feline :) http://tumblr.com/xun51b6j0
- 08:52:43: "A lot of people believe that the only way for a country to get rich, stay rich, and get richer is to..." http://tumblr.com/xun51bh2t
- 08:53:08: Photo: murraythenut: How to tell if you have a job. haha http://tumblr.com/xun51bho2
- 21:45:01: RT @mashable New Tool Lets You Find Your Number-One Twitter Fan http://bit.ly/6ygcXl
- 21:46:14: Oooh, @babi4 always dreamt about being my first follower, but thanks God @BarackObama left him behind :) http://bit.ly/ffollower
- 21:50:24: RT @NewPsychologist: Resilience, Not Misery, in Coping With Death http://bit.ly/7rtpju
- 21:57:13: RT @ktsecret: If you view all the things that happen to you, both good and bad, as opportunities, then you operate out of a higher level ...
- 21:57:17: RT @ktsecret: “What ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” -- Napoleon Hill pls rt
- 22:20:02: RT @heidiko44: Everything is shifting ...RT @Earth_News Geology.com: Magnetic North Pole Rapidly shifting eastward... http://bit.ly/648Nnz
- 23:01:44: moved from intensedebate to disqus.
- 23:52:37: off to meet a high school friend..
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