Another film Creation yet to be watched, based on the true story of one of the great minds in history, Charles Darwin, the author of the famous best-seller "The Origin of Species" and the proponent of the Evolution Theory.
- 02:17:44: @ajshadowcat08 haha sagpaon ko ato for sure..hehe
- 02:35:21: @ajshadowcat08 yeah
- 02:38:03: excited for the new evanescence album "revolving door' :)
- 03:04:35: Religion, a creed which has absolutely no connection with reason, but whose significance lies in the unpleasant fact...
- 03:08:21: RT @mcbidz: Satisfaction does not come with achievement, but with effort. Full effort is full victory. Mahatma Gandhi-
- 03:08:49: is that so? lol RT @ajshadowcat08: Garlic & Vinegar chips + Ketchup = L.O.V.E.
- 03:11:11: @_AshutoshSingh and how is understanding less becomes useful?
- 03:12:28: @ajshadowcat08 i'll pass! i love my kidneys too much..haha
- 03:16:04: @_AshutoshSingh on one hand, it sounds like ignorance to me; on the other hand, the more mysterious it is, the more challenging it becomes.
- 03:20:58: Try the amazing Brizzly (as seen on the internet):
- 03:31:55: @ajshadowcat08 because of L.O.V.E.? lol
- 04:14:16: the papyrus of love finally became ashes
- 05:03:15: Whats the FAD? Facebook Addiction Disorder
- 05:05:23: The Here and Now of Cyberspace
- 05:09:31: "I'll poke you. You'll poke me!" Self-disclosure, social attraction, predictability and trust as...
- 05:13:49: Virtual Environment and Lying: Perspective of Czech Adolescents and Young Adults
- 05:22:19: Blogging as a Social Tool: A Psychosocial Examination of the Effects of Blogging
- 05:52:03: pancit canton..yum
- 08:03:55: first set of ebooks on forgeries and hoaxes in christianity downloaded successfully, waiting for the other downloads..
- 08:20:45: lev vygotsky's the historical meaning of the crisis in psychology pending for reading. kadaghan pasd jud nakog basahunon intawn kapoi skwela
- 08:46:31: i realize that im not using my time very well. time management is what i need now..
- 08:48:53: must refrain from procrastinating otherwise i'll be like this forever.. change must begin now!
- 08:52:57: i guess i have a new year's resolution after all.. geez.. nytie tweeps! Zzzz
- 17:01:54: freakin toes hurt
- 19:06:33: learning everyday is really cool, and learning from my students is even better. :)
- 23:55:27: meeting with the dean and the faculty about the upcoming fê de CAS..
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