- 01:07:45: RT @psych101: The psychology of self control. Interesting read for anybody struggling to keep their new year's resolutions. http://tinyu ...
- 05:07:50: spaghetti and sweet corn for dinner :)
- 06:58:47: couldn't register to immortal text. :(
- 07:33:36: RT @heidiko44: RT @DharmaTalks: Please don't compare your life 2 others, We have no idea what their journey is all about
- 07:35:52: @_stoptheworld good for you.
- 19:44:39: @_stoptheworld Haha. what book was that?
- 20:01:06: went to sto.niƱarlier but i did not finish the mass. i was already late for class.
- 20:26:31: "...giving up or loss of old self is an integral part of the process of mental and spiritual growth." -M. Scott Peck
- 22:35:21: "The pain of death is the pain of birth, and the pain of birth is the pain of death." M. Scott Peck
- 22:39:58: "..and what will amaze you even more, throughout life one must learn to die." -Erich Fromm
- 22:51:03: "..the spiritually evolved individual is an extraordinary loving individual, and with his love comes extraordinary joy." -M. Scott Peck
- 23:14:38: "we are incapable of loving another unless we love ourselves." -M. Scott Peck
- 23:34:22: love..i thought it was, but it wasn't..just a mere regression, and an escape pattern of my own illusions of omnipotence and my loneliness.
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